Do I Have Human Papillomavirus? HPV Symptom Checker (Quiz)

Find out whether or not you have a HPV infection and what STD test is recommended using our anonymous symptom checker. Get you personalized recommendations now!

Note: There is no way to make an accurate medical diagnosis from a set of quiz results. This is why it is important to get tested promptly. See this guide to STD testing for a detailed comparison and additional information you may want to know.

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What is HPV?

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) causes warts in the genitalia and throat and is notorious for causing cancer of various organs in the body. This virus has many types and thus it causes different diseases depending on its type. The types of viruses causing warts are different from the types that cause cancer, so having warts on any organ doesn't mean that you will develop cancer.

See more: HPV Overview & Resources

Genital warts and respiratory lesions are the commonest complications of some type of HPV while others cause cervical cancer in women and cancer of the genitals, throat, head, and neck in both men and women. In the United States, CDC declares that 529,000 new cases were reported in 2017 means 1 out of 100 men and women are suffering from HPV infection. Take the following quiz to find out if you could be suffering from a possible human papillomavirus infection.

Concerned about an STD?

Help stop the spread of STDs by knowing your status. Get tested today!