Do I Have Molluscum Contagiosum? Symptom Checker (Quiz)

Find out whether or not you have Molluscum Contagiosum and what STD test is recommended using our anonymous symptom checker. Get you personalized recommendations now!

Note: There is no way to make an accurate medical diagnosis from a set of quiz results. This is why it is important to get tested promptly. See this guide to STD testing for a detailed comparison and additional information you may want to know.

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What is Molluscum Contagiosum?

Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral infection that results in raised and painless lesions or bumps on the skin. It spreads through direct contact with an infected person or an object. The infection usually involves skin on any organ of the body, lesions in the male or female genitalia are considered a sexually transmitted infection. The bumps usually disappear within a year without any treatment, however, they may leave scars. Therefore, early diagnosis and prompt treatment is necessary to avoid a cosmetic problem.

See more: Molluscum Contagiosum Overview & Resources

If you scratch these lesions, chances are there that the infection spread to surrounding skin and cause scarring and inflammation of the affected area. In the United States, the largest incidence is in children that range from 14 to 16 episodes per 1000 children per year. 3% of the sexually active males and females also get this infection every year. Test yourself on key clinical aspects with our short quiz to find if you are suffering from possible molluscum contagiosum infection.

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