Monash University is conducting a trial that wants to prove that bacterial vaginosis is, in fact, a sexually transmitted disease that both men and women can carry. A 2006 study from Monash University showed that 50 percent of women that use oral or topical antibiotics were re-treated again in six months for the condition.
While Dallas has come a long way in how they treat people with AIDS, the fight against the disease is still far from over. And, Dallas should follow the example of another Texas city – Austin – which became the second city in the state to implement the Fast Track initiative.
According to new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, STD rates have reached staggering, record highs two years in a row. The number of STD cases have increased dramatically over the past four years with cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis going even higher.
Help stop the spread of STDs by knowing your status. Get tested today!